Sunday, October 14, 2012

More Reflections

For our process notebook, we were asked to read and reflect on a couple of articles that our teachers posted on blackboard.

{Reading #1}
The first article is called "The Writer's Toolbox"by Andrea Wertzberger. It talked about how writing can be a very powerful tool when we are designing and private writing processes can only enhance the designer's process. In fact, in Leonardo DaVinci's sketch books diagrammatic sketches were included that are similar to mind, word, and concept maps that we use today. This type of thinking can help use both the right and left side of your brain while designing. Five different types of brainstorming were discussed, and I learned a lot about these brainstorming methods.
Mind Maps: The goal of mind maps is to develop the diagram quickly. It's helpful for initiating new ideas in a process and don't be afraid to include color, images (good for visual thinkers), and dimensions to these maps. Traditionally they are made by pen and paper which helps with speed and web based mind maps allow for additions of links and notes. To make one, you start with one central word then branch off from there with what words come to mind and see where it takes you. Examine your results with a group. Are there patterns or new concepts that developed?
Concept Maps: Concept maps are very similar to mind maps, but include links between similar concepts to create connections. They work by showing relationships of concepts in a hierarchy of order from general to specific. These are joined with linking statements such as "depends on", "can be", "made of", and "from". When making one also consider visual mapping issues such as shape, scale, proximity and color to go further to explore the relationships.
Free Writing: Free writing is done by letting your thoughts flow onto paper continually without judgment. It's similar to journalling by focuses more on a specific idea or question such as, "What does the logo represent?" You can free write about things you have talked to your colleagues about before, but what are your thoughts on the matter? To develop a free write give yourself a time limit (between 10-15 minutes) and write whatever comes to mind. Afterwards, read over your results and expand upon any new innovative ideas if some were formed.
Brainwriting: During brainwriting all group members write down their brainstorming ideas within a developed template. The group members then continually trade these templates until all members have written/brainstormed on all of the papers. Once the brainstorming is complete, reflect and talk about it within the group to see what ideas and thoughts developed.
Word Lists: Word lists are a quick easy was to brainstorm and organize your ideas. After you are complete look over the lists and circle the words that jump out to you to explore new ideas upon the topic.

{Reading #2}
The second reading was titled "Understanding Comics" which was a chapter excerpt from a book. This reading was written in the form of a comic and discussed out emotions can be portrayed through comics and drawings. Here are some key notes I learned from the reading:
-Expressionism didn't start as a science but as an expression of the emotions of the artists.
-Some artists looked to comics as not understanding the emotions that can come from color and artwork, but do lines not also portray and show just as much emotion?
-Artists come up with ways to represent the invisible (i.e. hearts above someones head to show they are in love or wavy lines and flies above the trash to represent it's smell)
-Backgrounds can also be a great way to show emotion.
-The most widely used symbols within comics is the word balloon and it can be altered to show emotion within the context.
-Words and pictures work together to fully engage the reader in the sense of emotion attempting to be portrayed.
One of the best parts of this reading was the fact that it was written in comic book form, so I could see all of the ideas and facts about emotion via comics portrayed throughout the book. I liked the real life examples this gave, and it was a much more powerful way of portraying it than just writing about it.

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