Sunday, November 4, 2012

Project #3

We are still working hard on our third project during BDS. Like I said before, my group's word is intense. Our first step was to make 20 6"x6" squares reflecting the definition of the word.

The tools we used to create these were tracing paper, sharpie (thick & thin), plastic triangle, glue stick, ruler, print outs of the word, white & black card stock, and definitions of the word. Overall I really liked making these because it pushed my creativity, but it took a lot of time. I probably spent at least five hours making the twenty final squares. I am planning on scanning in all of my final options to display in another post.

Next, we were asked to create miniature versions of the cardboard letters we were planning on creating. Our group decided to make the first letters "in" smaller than the rest of the "TENSE" word. As well as making the lower case/upper case difference. We created small versions with cardboard of this idea.

Different varieties of the word were explored:

We were told to make multiple versions of one of the letters so we chose to duplicate the "T".

Currently we have been working on producing the large and final versions of the word. In order to make it more "intense", we want to paint part some of the letters red in some way so they jump out in pictures or when we display them on campus.

Reading Response #1:
The first reading we had was actually presented to us in class. It was a PDF presentation entitled "Parts of a Letter". Here are my notes:
Typography was formed from handwriting therefore the base of it is strokes. Each letter is a simple stroke thats visual characteristics differ it from every other letter. There are certain vocabulary and names for the different parts of a letter, that having the knowledge of can only benefit a designer and make it easier to recognize typefaces. Some of this vocabulary is as follows.
Serif: the short strokes that finish off the major strokes in a letterform
bracket: the curving joint between the serif and the stroke
baseline: the imaginary line defining the visual base of the letterform. all letters sit on the baseline.
x-height: the height of the lowercase x; note: not all typefaces have the same x-height
ascender: a stroke on a lowercase letter that raises above the x-height
There are even more detailed and specific vocab for specific letters, but those are some basic ones that everyone could know.

Meanwhile in Drawing class...
Last week was Halloween on Wednesday, so that meant a pumpkin carving competition during drawing! I don't mean to brag, but it was my idea and apparently Margie liked it because it was decided we would all do it. The teams were divided by tables and we were given approx. 45 minutes at the end of class to create our pumpkin. My table did some major trash talking, but for some reason we didn't find the need to make a plan for our pumpkin until right before the contest, so we didn't do as good as we probably could have.

I took one fore the team and de-gutted the pumpkin.

Ross was in charge of drawing our illustration.
Anna and Parker helped cut out the design.

Our group with the pumpkin! We did a haunted "Beak 'Em Hawks" Jayhawk.

With more preparation we could have done a lot better. But, it turned
 out pretty well especially when the light was shining through.
My BDS teacher Tim was the one in charge of choosing the winner and he never officially chose ours as the best, but I like to think that he thought it was one of the better ones. Overall it was a fun activity especially on Halloween, and a lot of the other kids in my studio had some great ideas.

Last but not least, my friends and I love Starbucks and thought of a creative group Halloween costume to incorporate our love for it.

From left: Barista, two Starbucks cups, and the logo or "Siren" Starbucks girl
You can see more detail of the Starbucks cups' costumes here.
Kendall had a PSL with an extra shot and Kylie had a mocha.
Hope you had a happy halloween!

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